Use the drop down menu, or click on the colour bars below to go to the relevant page.
Many of the Bible Cartoons on this website were drawn in multiple layers, which allows the background image to be seperated from the foreground figures. All of these backgrounds are now available to view/purchase, without the foreground figures. Below are 2 buttons that will take you to these backgrounds.
Sets of Figures.
Figures with no background are now being made available, which can be added to, and moved around on, a background image, so that you can to create your own scenes and stories.
Famous Old and New Testament figures, kings, prophets, disciples, heroes and villains will gradually be added to a growing collection of Figures. There is a set of 15 Generic Figures currently available - click on the "View all Sets of Figures" button below.
Search by Background CategoryClick this button to see a list of the categories used to sub-divide the Backgrounds. There are currently 3 main groupings: Background: Exteriors - Natural, Background: Exterior - Man-made & Background: Interiors. The number in parenthases (that’s brackets to you & me!) after each category title tells you how many cartoons I've drawn in that grouping. Click on a group title to see
all the cartoons in it!
View all BackgroundsThis page displays all the Backgrounds on a single page.
Warning! There are a lot, so the page may take a while to load!
View all Sets of Figures
Click this button to see all the sets of Figures available for purchase.