
Below are the sets of figures which can be purchased.
Once bought ALL of the figures in a set are available for download. Purchased Figures do not have watermark across them.
Figures (with no background) are now being made available, which can be added to, and moved around on, a background image, so that you can to create your own scenes and stories.

Sets currently available:
Generic Figures SET 01.jpg
Generic Figures Set 01 Click this button to purchase this set of figures.

Sets of Figures to be added soon:
Famous New Testament Figures (will include Jesus, his 12 main disciples, John the Baptist, Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Nicodemus, Pontius Pilate and king Herod, etc).

Famous Old Testament Figures (will include Abram/Abraham, Sarai/Sarah, Moses, various Kings, Judges, Propehts, famous villains, etc).

Domestic and wild animals and transport (will include sheep, goats, donkey, horse, camel, lion, bear, snake, boat, ship, chariot, carriage, wagon, hand cart).

Jobs and Trades (will include Butcher, Baker, Dung collector, Farmer, Shepherd, Cattle driver, Guard, Temple Guard, Jailer, Carpenter, Woodsman, Blacksmith, Sailor, Merchant, Slave, High Priest, Priest, Levite, Teacher of the Law, Scribe).

Other nationalities (will include Greek man/woman, Roman soldier/woman, Babylonian man/woman, Assyrian man/woman, Philistine man/woman, Canaanite man/woman, Moabite man/woman, Ammonite man/woman, Amalekite man/woman, Midianite man/woman, etc).