Bible Cartoon: Nehemiah 02 - Nehemiah inspects Jerusalem's walls - Scene 03 - Inspection

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Bible Book: Nehemiah
Bible Book Code: 1600201302
Scene no: 3 of 6

Bible Reference & Cartoon Description

Nehemiah 2:13b (ANIV)
13b [By night I went out through the Valley Gate] …towards the Jackal Well and the Dung Gate, examining the walls of Jerusalem, which had been broken down, and its gates, which had been destroyed by fire.


Verse 12 tells us Nehemiah went out at night.

There are two sources of light in this scene. The first is the full moon (unseen, to the right of the viewer) which gives a cool, blue hue to the landscape. The second is a warm, yellow/orange light coming from the two torches Nehemiah’s companions are carrying.

Nehemiah is riding his donkey towards the Jacel Well and Dung Gate. Behind him are his two un-named companions.

This picture shows Nehemaiah riding his donkey in the Hinnom valley, west of the broken walls of Jersalem. He is looking up at the walls taking careful note of their damaged condition. Following Nehemiah are the two torch carrying companions I drew in previous scenes.

In this scene we can see that Nehemiah has retained his Persian trousers, which would make riding a donkey very much easier! The rest of his attire is the more usual Hebrew clothing I depict: a long outer robe, long inner robe and leather sandals.

I have used the same blue hues and tones which I used for the landscape in the previous pictures, to create conformity between the various scenes.

Notice the small rabbit, peeking out behind the large bolder in the right foreground.

Here’s the scene without the figures or donkey included.
Nehemiah 02 - Nehemiah inspects Jerusalem's walls - Scene 03 - Inspection - Background 980x706px col.jpg
Background of Nehemiah 02 – Nehemiah inspects Jerusalem’s walls – Scene 03 – Inspection

Click on the colour bar below to view/buy this Background:
Background of Nehemiah 02 – Nehemiah Jerusalem’s walls – Scene 03 – Inspection

Here’s the rough pencil sketch I drew for this scene.
Nehemiah 02 - Nehemiah inspects Jerusalem's walls - Scene 03 - Inspection 989x706px greyscale.jpg
Nehemiah 02 – Nehemiah inspects Jerusalem’s walls – Scene 03 – Inspection

Notice that I didn’t include Nehemiah’s torch-carrying companions in the rough sketch, but decided to add them into the final scene.