Bible Cartoon: Luke 18 - Parable of persistent widow - Scene 02 - Judge (Version 04 Dove argument)

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Bible Book: Luke
Bible Book Code: 4201800204
Scene no: 2 of 4

Bible Reference & Cartoon Description

Luke 18:2-3 (ANIV)
2 He [Jesus] said: “In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared about men. 3 And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’ “


Unspecified I the Bible narrative. I have set the scene in the mid morning.

The sun illuminates this scene (unseen above & to the right), which casts shadows to the left of figures & objects.
Notice the red canopy above the judge’s seat, which is providing some shade for him as he listens to the various cases brought before him.

Sitting on the stone “throne” is the unjust judge. Kneeling before him in dark robes is the widow of Jesus’s parable. There is a guard to the side of the judge (presumably to keep order if things get out of hand!)

This version has an angry man in green robes. The man in brown outer robe & grey inner robe is a fowler (a person who hunts wildfowl). Between the two men is another man in brown outer robes & a woman in dark pink robes.

Six white doves.

I decided to create several versions of this scene, to illustrate the fact that the widow of Jesus’s parable comes back time & time again, to ask the judge to give her justice. So the judge & the widow are in the foreground of all these versions of the scene, but there are different characters behind them, to show that time has moved on; it’s a different day, etc.

In this particular version of the scene I have drawn an angry man in green robes, hitting a cage of white doves with his stick. Exactly why he is doing that is unclear, he must be arguing with the man in brown & grey robes for some reason. The fowler (the man in brown outer robe & grey inner robe), is very cross because the other man has released all his doves, i.e. his livelihood! Pigeons or doves were used as sacrifices to the Lord in the tabernacle & later in the temple in Jerusalem.

Here’s the scene without the figures.
Luke 18 - Parable of persistent widow - Scene 02 - Judge (Version 01) - Background 980x706px col.jpg
Background of Luke 18 – Parable of persistent widow – Scene 02 – Judge (Version 01, 02, 03, 04)

Click on the colour bar below to view/buy this Background:
Background of Luke 18 – Parable of persistent widow – Scene 02 – Judge (Version 01, 02, 03, 04)

Between the two men mentioned above is another man (in brown outer robes) & a woman (in dark pink robes), both of whom are a bit disturbed by the sudden release of the doves!

Notice that the widow’s hands are in the same position they were in version 02 of this scene. She is still seeking justice from the judge, despite all the various interruptions & distractions occurring behind her!

The Barbary dove, ringed turtle dove, ringneck dove, ring-necked turtle dove, or ring dove (Streptopelia risoria) is a domestic member of the dove family (Columbidae). The ones in my picture are white.