Bible Cartoon: Genesis 41 - Pharaoh's dreams - Scene 03 - Magicians stumped

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Bible Book: Genesis
Bible Book Code: 0104100801
Scene no: 3 of 5

Bible Reference & Cartoon Description

Genesis 41:8 (NLT)
The next morning Pharaoh was very disturbed by the dreams. So he called for all the magicians and wise men of Egypt. When Pharaoh told them his dreams, not one of them could tell him what they meant.



There is diffuse sunlight coming from above, which illuminates the scene. In addition there are two black wax candles on the table that bring a warm glow to the objects & figures in the picture.

Pharaoh (the king of Egypt) is explaining his two dreams to the magicians and wise men of his court.

I assume that after Pharaoh woke up in the morning, following his two dreams, he sought out his wise men/magicians. I have drawn him consulting with many of them in one of their rooms. I wanted to show an environment full of the paraphernalia associated with magic: skulls, black dribbly candles, a hen hung up by its foot, etc. More likely the wise men would have been summoned into Pharaoh’s presence in a place of his own choosing, such as his audience chamber, but that wouldn’t have been as interesting!

Apart from the items mentioned above, I have illustrated one of the magicians looking into a bronze basin, which has various made-up occult symbols and writing on its sides. There is a large bronze mirror on a wooden stand, and a green jar with a silver snake wrapped around it. Notice the frogs legs sticking out of a green, liquid-filled jar! There are other items, such as a bronze dagger, a golden gem, incense burning & a wooden wand on the table.

I decided to draw the wise men/magicians with expressions of puzzlement, perplexity, even worry on their faces, as they don’t know what their king’s dreams mean. The one in green is shrugging his shoulders & all are perspiring! I imagine that not having a convincing answer for Pharaoh would be very worrying for the wise men/magician’s health at his hands (see what he did to the baker in Exodus 40:22)!

Here’s the initial pencil sketch for this scene.
Genesis 41 - Pharaoh's dreams - Scene 03 - Magicians stumped 980x706px greyscale pencil.jpg
Genesis 41 – Pharaoh’s dreams – Scene 03 – Magicians stumped – Greyscale