Bible Cartoon: Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 12 - Sharing

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Bible Book: Acts
Bible Book Code: 4400204401
Scene no: 12 of 12

Bible Reference & Cartoon Description

Acts 2:44-47 (NLT)
44 And all the believers met together constantly and shared everything they had. 45 They sold their possessions and shared the proceeds with those in need. 46 They worshipped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity— 47 all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their group those who were being saved.


I have set this scene in the morning.

Sunlight diffuses into this scene from above & from the right.

Two un-named early Christian believers, the man in green, hugging the other man, & giving him two loaves of bread. There is also a woman with a basket of food, putting two coins into a beggars bowl.
Note: the man in green on the left of the scene is the same character seen being healed of lameness in the previous scene (Acts 02 – Pentecost – Scene 11 – Miracles & Awe.)

As in the previous scene, I decided not to have any of the Apostles present, instead concentrating the viewer’s attention on the actions of the people present in this picture. There are two un-named Christian believers sharing what they have with less fortunate inhabitants of Jerusalem.

The two believers seen in this scene representing the thousands of new converts to Christianity. They are seen here sharing their possessions with people in need. I wanted to show the great outpouring of Christian’s concern for those in need, which seems to have been one of the outcomes of their new-found faith, as outlined in the Bible passage above.

Here is the scene without the figures.
Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 12 - Sharing - Background 980x706px col.jpg
Background of Acts 02 – Pentecost – Scene 12 – Sharing

Click on the colour bar below to view/buy this Background:
Background of Acts 02 – Pentecost – Scene 12 – Sharing

Notice that the dog is standing on the hem of the male Christian believer’s green outer robe! I think the dog is interested in the 2 loaves of flat bread as well and is wagging it’s tail hopefully!

I took photo’s of my own feet to help me get the bare feet of the standing & sitting beggars right.

The walls on the left are plastered over in various shades of blue, whilst the ones on the right are bare stone. I imagine the blue walls represent wealthier owners, perhaps that is why the beggars are in this vicinity of the city.

The blue flowing plant in the pot in the background is Violet Larkspur (Delphinium peregrinum L.), whilst the bush growing up the wall behind the sitting beggar is Etruscan honeysuckle (Lonicera etrusca.) My research tells me that both plants do indeed grow in the region of Jerusalem.

Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 12 - Sharing PB 188x242px dpi col