Bible Cartoon: Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 06 - Running

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Bible Book: Acts
Bible Book Code: 4400200501
Scene no: 6 of 12

Bible Reference & Cartoon Description

Acts 2:5-6 (NLT)
5 Godly Jews from many nations were living in Jerusalem at that time. 6 When they heard this sound, they came running to see what it was all about, and they were bewildered to hear their own languages being spoken by the believers.


A little further on in this chapter (verse 15) Simon/Peter addresses a crowd & states that it is 9am in the morning. So this scene must be a few minutes before that.

There is simple, one directional lighting in this scene, coming from the early morning sunshine, to the right of the scene (in the East) which is breaking through the storm clouds.

A number of Godly Jews (verse 5) running towards the sound of the Apostles & disciples, speaking in various languages on the rooftop (see previous illustration.)

Although this is another fictional scene that I made up from my imagination, I used a reference photo of the walls of Jerusalem for inspiration. I also had to take a number of photo’s of myself, in Biblical costume, to help with some of the more complex figure stances.

I was particularly pleased with the background street, which I created without the people in it. In this way I can change the people in the scene & re-use the background for another picture. I was also pleased with the figures, particularly the woman spilling her water over the man running up behind her!

Notice the small blue/grey bird sitting on a nest next to the door in the right foreground.

Here’s the scene without the figures.
Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 06 - Running - Background 980x706px col.jpg
Background of Acts 02 – Pentecost – Scene 06 – Running

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Background of Acts 02 – Pentecost – Scene 06 – Running