Bible Cartoon: Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 01 - Inside Jerusalem

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Bible Book: Acts
Bible Book Code: 4400200101
Scene no: 1 of 12

Bible Reference & Cartoon Description

Acts 2:1 (NLT)
On the day of Pentecost, seven weeks after Jesus’ resurrection, [1] the believers were meeting together in one place.

Greek, When the day of Pentecost arrived. This annual celebration came 50 days after the Passover ceremonies. See Leviticus 23:16.


A little further on in this chapter (verse 15) Simon/Peter addresses a crowd & states that it is 9am in the morning. So this scene must be a few minutes before that.

The main light source for this scene comes from the beam of light descending from heaven onto the house near the wall of Jerusalem. This is the house in which the disciples of Jesus were meeting.

Various Jewish residents of Jerusalem, out & about in the streets.

Jesus had told his disciples they must remain in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit was sent to them. We now know this occurred on the day of Pentecost.

I wanted to create a scene set in Jerusalem, but showing a typical street scene, just before the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples. This street picture sets the scene for all that follows. Although the scriptures tell us there was “a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm in the skies” it doesn’t say there was anything more than a sound. I have used artistic licence in adding the visual element of a bright beam of light, since I can’t show a sound in a picture very well!

Here’s the scene without the figures and the heavenly glow from above!
Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 01 - Inside Jerusalem - Background 980x706px col.jpg
Background of Acts 02 – Pentecost – Scene 01 – Inside Jerusalem

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Background of Acts 02 – Pentecost – Scene 01 – Inside Jerusalem

The other day I created “the Story of Jonah” animation in Windows Movie Maker. As a result of that work, I am creating my drawings differently now. I am separating the elements into different layers, so that I can manipulate them more easily in animations. I created the finished street scene, & only then added all the people. That way, I can re-use the street element, putting different people in as I need to & changing the lighting, etc.

You may notice that there is a bird on a nest in the left hand foreground wall, & also a nest with 3 blue/green eggs in it, in the right hand wall.