Bible Cartoon: 1 Kings 17 - Elijah fed by ravens - Scene 02 - Kerith Ravine (Light version)

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Bible Book: 1 Kings
Bible Book Code: 1101700202
Scene no: 2 of 2

Bible Reference & Cartoon Description

1 Kings 17:2-5 (ANIV)
[Elijah fed by ravens]
2 Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah: 3 “Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. 4 You will drink from the brook, and I have ordered the ravens to feed you there.”
5 So he did what the Lord had told him. He went to the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan, and stayed there.


Not specified by Bible.

Sunlight comes from the right of the scene, casting shadows to the left.

Elijah & lots of Ravens!

There are two versions of this scene:
01) (Previous page) 1 Kings 17 – Elijah fed by ravens – Scene 02 – Kerith Ravine (Dark version). In which the Ravens are deeper blue-black in colour.

02) (This page) 1 Kings 17 – Elijah fed by ravens – Scene 02 – Kerith Ravine (Light version). In this version I have made the Ravens lighter blue, so that they project & print better for viewers/customers.

I really enjoyed drawing & colouring this scene. The background was fun to colour up as it has such strong hue & tonal contrasts. I deliberately made the Ravens a blue-black colour to contrast strongly with the orange of the rocks.

Having drawn Elijah before (first time was January 2012) I have already established his appearance & costume. We know from 2 Kings 1:8 that Elijah could be recognised by his “garment of hair [Or He was a hairy man] and leather belt around his waist.” Ever since I read that description I have depicted Elijah wearing a sheepskin under-robe, with a large leather belt buckled over it.

Here’s the scene without the figure of Elijah or the Ravens.
1 Kings 17 - Elijah fed by ravens - Scene 02 - Kerith Ravine - Background 980x706px col.jpg
Background of 1 Kings 17 – Elijah fed by ravens – Scene 02 – Kerith Ravine

Click on the colour bar below to view/buy this Background:
Background of 1 Kings 17 – Elijah fed by ravens – Scene 02 – Kerith Ravine (Dark and Light versions)

The little stream running into the scene is easier to make out without all the birds!