
Watermarks & Magnifier function

Posted 17 Feb 2010

For some time Dan (my excellent web designer) has been experimenting with ways to show larger cartoons on this website. A lot of the detail in the cartoons has not been visible due to the small size of the thumbnail pictures we have been showing on the site, until now. When these cartoon illustrations are enlarged you can see all the little details, shading effects, textures, facial expressions, plants & animals, etc. Dan has come up with a way to show a magnified viewing pane, next to the thumbnail picture, which you can use to zoom in on a cartoon & see all those little details. We will be introducing that function very soon.

I have just finished re-uploading all of the 112 cartoons currently on this website, since we needed higher resolution pictures to enable the magnifier to work. What a mammoth task! Since I had to do all that uploading I have decided to watermark all the cartoons as well. So you will now see “www.biblecartons.co.uk” & the copyright symbol © & “M J Young” with the date across all the cartoon illustrations. This is a precaution against illegal copying, made necessary by having larger, more detailed cartoons on the website.

As part of my desire to support those people engaged in evangelism & the extension of God’s kingdom I still want to make the original, lower resolution files available, free of charge, to any charitable organisations who want them, such as churches, youth clubs, bible study groups, etc. If you want any of the cartoons seen on this website, at low resolution, then please use the contact button & send me your request, with details of what you’d like the cartoons for. The low resolution cartoon file(s) that I e-mail to you will not have the new watermark splashed across them.

Additional note (13/12/2011)
I have recently removed the magnifier function, in favour of having a much larger cartoon on display on the page. Some people thoughts that would be better… and I like to listen to my customers whenever possible!


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