
Specks, planks and pigs trampling pearls!

Posted 16 Sep 2016

Matthew 07 - Judging others - Scene 01 - Measure (Version 01)
Matthew 07 – Judging others – Scene 01 – Measure (Version 01)

Matthew 07 - Judging others - Scene 01 - Measure (Version 02)
Matthew 07 – Judging others – Scene 01 – Measure (Version 02)

Matthew 07 - Judging others - Scene 02 - Speck and plank
Matthew 07 – Judging others – Scene 02 – Speck & plank

Matthew 07 - Judging others - Scene 03 - Pigs trampling
Matthew 07 – Judging others – Scene 01 – Pigs trampling pearls

Follow this link to see this set of Bible Cartoons on the Famous Bible Story page, with download & purchase options:
Famous Bible Story Matthew 07 – Judging others

I have just completed the third scene in a new set of 3 Bible Cartoons, taken from Matthew chapter 07.

I liked drawing the 3rd scene, with the pigs & all that gooey mud!


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