
So much is going on!

Posted 04 Nov 2010

There is lots going on at the moment, such as…
I’m busy receiving & processing orders for the new Christmas cards, which are on the Merchandise page. The Stable & Animals design seems to be the favourite at the moment.
I’m co-ordinating with Dan my technical expert about updating the home page & creating a multi-window main navigation page, to bring visitors to the website the opportunity to comment on the cartoons, to read news about the artwork & website, etc. It’s great to be thinking about upgrading the website, to improve the customer experience.
I’m also in contact with a Christian Marketing Company, gradually navigating the path needed to bring them in on the Bible Cartoons team!
On top of that my wife & I are running a “Freedom in Christ” course for our house group. It has been well received we’re about half way through, with the mysterious “Steps to Freedom in Christ” Away Day looming up on us!
There are a number of other pressing issues that are clambering for our attention. I’m discovering multi-tasking skills I never knew I had!

I’ve uploaded a new cartoon, continuing the collection of the ten plagues of Egypt. I’ve added the 3rd plague, which was all about gnats.

Exodus 08 - The ten plagues of Egypt - Plague of gnats
Exodus 08 – The ten plagues of Egypt – The plague of gnats

Follow this link to see this Bible Cartoon on the BC Gallery page, with download & purchase options:
Bible Cartoon: Exodus 08 – The ten plagues of Egypt – The plague of gnats


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