
Saul’s conversion cartoon

Posted 10 Dec 2009

This is a cartoon I designed & penciled in whilst on holiday in Anglesey, this August. It shows Saul/Paul on the road to Damascus, being temporarily blinded by the light of Jesus. He’s the one lying on the ground. The other men are his companions. Since Paul (& probably his companions) was a Pharisee I have coloured his clothes using the same palette as I used in John’s gospel, where I have several drawings containing Pharisees.

Acts 09 - Saul/Paul conversion - Scene 01 - Jesus encounter
Acts 09 – Saul/Paul conversion – Scene 01 – Jesus encounter

Follow this link to see this Bible Cartoon on the BC Gallery page, with download & purchase options:
Bible Cartoon: Acts 09 – Saul/Paul conversion – Scene 01 – Jesus encounter


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