
No promise from God is empty of power

Posted 08 Jan 2013

Yesterday (07/Jan/2012) I was listening to a sermon when Luke 1:37 was quoted. A new translation of the Bible was being quoted, The Passion Translation: Letters from Heaven (written by Brian Simmons)) & the words really struck me, ‘No promise from God is empty of power, for with God there is no such thing as impossibility.’

You may be more familiar with these other translations:

Luke 1:37 (AMP)
37 For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment.

Luke 1:37 (ASV)
37 For no word from God shall be void of power.

This sentence really struck me, No promise from God is empty of power My mind immediately realised, that therefore ALL promises from God, as recorded in the Holy Bible, are likewise fully empowered by the Lord, & will be fulfilled, come what may.

There is absolute co-operation of the power of God & the Word of God. Remember that God created everything with His Word. As His words go forth from His mouth, they come into being, they come into existence. What God says ALWAYS happens. That’s amazing! Therefore, God’s words are the most powerfully constructive, completely irresistible force ever! Wow!

Adam & Eve 300x286px colAnother realisation was that we can completely trust God’s word, because He puts His power into His own words, & they WILL come into being. Therefore, when we read a promise in the Holy Bible (any of the many promises, in fact!), we can appropriate it for ourselves, as a gift from God, backed up by the power of God. God’s words; His promises, have POWER!

It’s one thing to read the Bible because we ‘ought’ to, it’s quite another to read it with all the expectancy of the promises we find coming true in our own lives & experience… talk about the Word being alive & having power, I’ll say!


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