
Multi cartoon purchase function on BC website - coming soon!

Posted 22 Jul 2014

I have managed it, at last…

… running a sub 4 minute mile… no.
… swimming a length of the pool underwater in pyjamas… no.
… hopping on one leg in a fire pit whilst whistling the “Dambusters” theme tune… no!

I’ve managed to figure out how to put multiple cartoons into the BC shopping cart with just 1 button click… YES!

This has been on my mind & my “to do” list for many months. I investigated PayPal, only to find that it won’t let me put any more than 1 item in the cart at a time. Finally I contacted my third-party shopping cart software supplier & they suggested a way to do it… & it works!

I’m still at the testing stage, to make sure the new functionality is robust & reliable enough, but it looks very promising. So far the test purchases have all worked, so pretty soon you will see a green & a blue button appear on the Famous Bible Story pages, which will allow the viewer to make a single click & put all the cartoons that comprise that story into the shopping cart at once – hurray!



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