
Happy Easter

Posted 05 Apr 2012

Just wanted to wish all my viewers, customers & of course my blog readers, a very happy Easter. It’s a strange thing to say/write, in a way, because the first Easter couldn’t have been a happy time for Jesus or for his disciples. We know that Jesus was in mental agony when he was suffering in the garden of Gethsemane, before his arrest. Then he was brutally abused, rejected, physically beaten, flogged & finally crucified. As for Jesus’ disciples, they must have thought his brief, bright moment of glory was over, when they saw him die on the cross. Good Friday commemorates the death of Jesus… but the story didn’t end there, of course… don’t forget that Easter Sunday is coming! Even though Jesus’ mission & ministry seemed to have hopelessly failed, on Good Friday, in fact, his death on the cross was all part of God the Father’s plan of salvation & redemption for the whole of mankind. Easter Sunday proves that God’s plan worked: in a most wonderful way! Remember that Jesus was the only sinless man ever to live. Without any sin to grasp on to, death itself could not hold on to Jesus, & he came back to life, in the Resurrection. Easter Sunday celebrates the sinless man walking amongst his disciples once more – even doubting Thomas, after he touched Jesus’ wounds cried out, “My Lord & my God!” After that about 500 people saw Jesus appear, walking & talk to them, before he ascended into Heaven. That’s cause for celebration, & in light of Jesus’ complete victory over sin & death I can, & do write, Happy Easter!

I have many more cartoons to draw – after the crucifixion & to show Jesus’ resurrection. But they will have to wait until after this present Easter has been & gone!

Here are all the cartoon illustrations I have drawn so far from Mark’s Gospel, that show Jesus going to the cross:

Mark 15 - Trial of Jesus - Scene 05 - Jesus before Pilate
Mark 15 – Trial of Jesus – Scene 05 – Jesus before Pilate

Mark 15 - Trial of Jesus - Scene 06 - Barabbas released
Mark 15 – Trial of Jesus – Scene 06 – Barabbas released

Mark 15 - Trial of Jesus - Scene 07 - Jesus flogged
Mark 15 – Trial of Jesus – Scene 07 – Jesus flogged

Mark 15 - Trial of Jesus - Scene 08 - Thorns and abuse
Mark 15 – Trial of Jesus – Scene 08 – Thorns & abuse

Follow this link to see this Bible Cartoon on the BC Gallery page, with download & purchase options:
Bible Cartoons: Famous Bible Story – Mark 14 & 15 – Trial of Jesus

Mark 15 - The Crucifixion - Scene 01 - Led away
Mark 15 – The Crucifixion – Scene 01 – Led away

Mark 15 - The Crucifixion - Scene 02 - Simon of Cyrene
Mark 15 – The Crucifixion – Scene 02 – Simon of Cyrene

Mark 15 - The Crucifixion - Scene 03 - Nailed to the cross
Mark 15 – The Crucifixion – Scene 03 – Nailed to the cross

Mark 15 - The Crucifixion - Scene 05 - Sign board
Mark 15 – The Crucifixion – Scene 05 – Sign board

Follow this link to see this Bible Cartoon on the BC Gallery page, with download & purchase options:
Bible Cartoons: Famous Bible Story – Mark 15 – The Crucifixion


  1. thank you for sharing your cartoons. God Bless you

    — gclub · Apr 11, 05:58 am · #

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