
Eye survey... do the eyes have it?!

Posted 04 Sep 2015

Take the survey on Survey monkey & cast YOUR vote!
Here is the link to follow:

I’ve been drawing what some people call “Cyclops” eyes on my figures in Bible Cartoons ever since I started them in 2008. The design has 1 large white eye, with two small pupils in them (see the picture below to see what I mean)

2 eyes
”Cyclops” eyes

Over the years I have had some people say they don’t like this way of drawing eyes, although others are more philosophical about them!

Still other people view the way I draw the eyes of my characters as “cartoony” & like them; they are memorable, expressive, & form part of my USP (Unique Selling Point/Proposal).

Below is the same drawing, but with 2 seperate eyes in each face, which is more realistic; less “cartoony”.

2 eyes
Two eyes

I have reached a point in my work where I would like to find out whether the “Cyclops” eyes are hurting my drawings, or are a positive influence on them. Maybe sales would increase, if I used 2 eyes? Maybe they wouldn’t.

To find out what people ACTUALLY think (rather than assuming) I have designed a 1 question survey in Survey Monkey. Please follow the link & cast your vote, I REALLY would like to know what people think about the “Cyclops” eyes I draw!

Take the survey on Survey monkey & cast YOUR vote!
Here is the link to follow:


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