
Daniel in lions' den Scene 12-15

Posted 24 Jul 2017

Daniel in lions' den Scene 12-15 SIMPLE
Daniel in lions’ den Scene 12-15 SIMPLE, FLAT COLOURS
Here are the last few scenes in the story of Daniel in the lions’ den. The first block of pictures shows what the cartoons look like when I have done the flat colouring (see above).

Daniel in lions' den Scene 12-15 FINISHED
Daniel in lions’ den Scene 12-15 FINISHED
The finished cartoons have light and shade modelling added to the scenes, lighting effects (sunlight, dust motes, etc) the signature, watermark and faded edge added.

Follow this link to see the BC Blog article with the first 6 scenes in it:
BC blog article: Daniel in the lions’ den Scene 01-06

Follow this link to see the BC Blog article with Scenes 07-11 in it:
BC blog article: Daniel in the lions’ den Scene 07-11


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