
Challenging Revelation cartoons I’m drawing!

Posted 30 Oct 2017

Revelation 07 - 144,000 sealed - Scene 01 - Four angels hold back the four winds - GREYSCALE sketch
Bible Cartoon: Revelation 07 – 144,000 sealed – Scene 01 – Four angels hold back the four winds – GREYSCALE sketch

Revelation 07 - 144,000 sealed - Scene 02 - Angel with God’s seal - GREYSCALE sketch
Bible Cartoon: Revelation 07 – 144,000 sealed – Scene 02 – Angel with God’s seal – GREYSCALE sketch

Revelation 08 - Seventh seal - Scene 02 - Angel with golden censer - GREYSCALE sketch
Bible Cartoon: Revelation 08 – Seventh seal – Scene 02 – Angel with golden censer – GREYSCALE sketch

Revelation 08 - Seventh seal - Scene 03 - Censure hurled to earth - GREYSCALE sketch
Bible Cartoon: Revelation 08 – Seventh seal – Scene 03 – Censer hurled to earth – GREYSCALE sketch

I’ve been asked to draw a few scenes from Revelation, which is the last book of the Bible. A lady in Texas, North America has asked for several scenes from Revelation chp 7 and 8. I’ve been wanting to draw from this intriguing book for a while, so the request suites me!

The 4 scenes above are my rough pencil sketches, which have been approved by the American lady, so now I can proceed to finished, full colour artwork.

The pictures below are completed, full colour scenes.

Revelation 07 - 144,000 sealed - Scene 01 - Four angels hold back the four winds 980x706px col
Bible Cartoon: Revelation 07 – 144,000 sealed – Scene 01 – Four angels hold back the four winds

Follow this link to see this Bible Cartoon on the BC Gallery page, with download & purchase options:
Bible Cartoon: Revelation 07 – 144,000 sealed – Scene 01 – Four angels hold back the four winds

Revelation 07 - 144,000 sealed - Scene 02 - Angel with God’s seal 980x706px col
Bible Cartoon: Revelation 07 – 144,000 sealed – Scene 02 – Angel with God’s seal

Follow this link to see this Bible Cartoon on the BC Gallery page, with download & purchase options:
Bible Cartoon: Revelation 07 – 144,000 sealed – Scene 02 – Angel with God’s seal

Revelation 08 - Seventh seal - Scene 02 - Angel with golden censer 980x706px col
Bible Cartoon: Revelation 08 – Seventh seal – Scene 02 – Angel with golden censer

Follow this link to see this Bible Cartoon on the BC Gallery page, with download & purchase options:
Bible Cartoon: Revelation 08 – Seventh seal – Scene 02 – Angel with golden censer

Revelation 08 - Seventh seal - Scene 03 - Censer hurled to earth 980x706px col
Bible Cartoon: Revelation 08 – Seventh seal – Scene 03 – Censer hurled to earth

Follow this link to see this Bible Cartoon on the BC Gallery page, with download & purchase options:
Bible Cartoon: Revelation 08 – Seventh seal – Scene 03 – Censer hurled to earth

In fact I also drew another, preceding scene a few days prior to the one above, which shows the Lamb of God, on the white throne of heaven. It is quite a strange description (in Revelation chp 5) describing the lamb as having 7 eyes and 7 horns. I’ve created 2 versions, one with some blood (since the text says it looks like the lamb has been slain) and one without any blood, in case customers don’t want to see that! Below are both versions:

Revelation 05 - The Scroll and the Lamb - Scene 04 - The Lamb  (with blood) 980x706px col.jpg
Bible Cartoon: Revelation 05 – The Scroll and the Lamb – Scene 04 – The Lamb (with blood)

Follow this link to see this Bible Cartoon on the BC Gallery page, with download & purchase options:
Bible Cartoon: Revelation 05 – The Scroll and the Lamb – Scene 04 – The Lamb (with blood)

Revelation 05 - The Scroll and the Lamb - Scene 04 - The Lamb (without blood) 980x706px col.jpg
Bible Cartoon: Revelation 05 – The Scroll and the Lamb – Scene 04 – The Lamb (without blood)

Follow this link to see this Bible Cartoon on the BC Gallery page, with download & purchase options:
Bible Cartoon: Revelation 05 – The Scroll and the Lamb – Scene 04 – The Lamb (without blood)


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