
Cartoon quality: files to download that really help!

Posted 18 May 2017

A customer made a great suggestion the other day, which I have acted on immediately. They suggested that I provide 2 test files of the same Bible Cartoon which could be downloaded from the BC website, one high quality & one medium quality picture. Once downloaded, the customer can easily see the difference in the picture quality & make a much better, informed decision about which version they would like to buy… Great idea!

I provide two versions of any given Bible Cartoon, one at 150 dpi (what I call the High Quality version) & another at 72dpi (what I call the Medium Quality version). Although I explain on the FAQ’s page what the difference is, I recognise that it is hard to visualise that difference. Now it is a simple case of a customer downloading the 2 files & trying them in a setting they need them for. For example a pastor could project the test files on a church screen to see which quality of image would be best in their church.

Not sure which cartoon type to buy for a magazine or newsletter? No problem, just download the test files & try them out in your publication!

Thanks to the customer for a great idea that will help others!

Here’s a link to the Bible Cartoon website FAQ’s page regarding image resolution. This is where the 2 free Bible Cartoon files can be downloaded from:
FAQ’s Page – 03.5 Which Cartoon Quality do I need?



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