
Back from holiday

Posted 02 Nov 2009

We’ve been away on holiday for a week, sharing a large old Vicarage property with some friends. I managed to draw a few sketches: ideas for cartoons based on Revelation. It’s good to be back at home & I’m more than ready to get back to work! We were able to visit a few art galleries, which is always a treat. I saw some of Gillian MacDonald’s watercolour prints. I like her bold & atmospheric landscape style. I have found other watercolourists work far too watery! I preferring bold, colourful, dramatic renderings.

I’ve just completed a Nativity scene from Luke’s gospel, where the shepherd’s see a multitude of angels. Here’s the cartoons: both the greyscale version (where I worked out the tones of the picture) & the finished coloured version.

Luke 02 - Nativity SET01 - Scene 05 - Angelic host - Greyscale 980x706px.jpg
Luke 02 – Nativity SET01 – Scene 05 – Angelic host – greyscale

Luke 02 - Nativity SET01 - Scene 05 - Angelic host
Luke 02 – Nativity SET01 – Scene 05 – Angelic host

Follow this link to see this Bible Cartoon on the BC Gallery page, with download & purchase options:
Bible Cartoon: Luke 02 – Nativity SET01 – Scene 05 – Angelic host


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