
A week of work, but no new cartoons!

Posted 25 Nov 2011

What a busy week! I wish I could report that I have drawn another cartoon and uploaded it, but that is not the case! Instead I have been making changes to this Bible Cartoons (BC) website and doing various business, email, Bible, house group, designery-type activities, some are secret (for Christmas) but some are listed here…

1) Made subtle changes to the layout of the various merchandise pages that are on the BC website.

2) Created a Banner advert and newsletter advert and e-mailed the Sunday School Network, for inclusion on the website. That provides us with free advertising to there 7000 opt-in subscribers, which is very useful. In exchange I designed and created a cover for a children’s resource book about Jonah.

3) Yesterday (24/11/2011) I took Bible Cartoons Christmas cards and copies of the Nativity Activity Book 01 to the Olive Branch, which is our church’s coffee shop.

4) I printed out a long thin comic strip of the Good Samaritan story, using the 5 cartoons that tell that story from the BC website (see Luke 10) for our church’s 3rd session of Messy Church on Sunday afternoon.

5) Just made changes to the “Search by Bible Book” page, so that you can see the text “Old Testament” & “New Testament” above the blocks of the books that make up those sections of the Bible. A small, subtle change to the BC website, but one I hope my viewers will enjoy!

I want to add a thank you page after a purchase has been made, but don’t know how to do that!

I’d like to monitor how often free cartoons are downloaded from the BC website, but how I do that eludes me as well! I’ll ask Dan, my web designer friend, but he is ultra busy with tiling his bathroom, and may not be able to help me!


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