Here are ALL of the Bible Cartoons I have drawn with Matthew/Levi [Disciple/Apostle of Jesus] in them.
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Total Old Testament cartoons drawn: 544
Total New Testament cartoons drawn: 529
Total Bible Cartoons (OT + NT) drawn: 1073

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Matthew/Levi [Disciple/Apostle of Jesus]

Matthew/Levi character sheet col.jpg
Cartoon Count: 48
Matthew 05 - The Beatitudes - Sermon on the mount

Matthew 05 - The Beatitudes - Sermon on the mount

Matthew 09 - Jesus heals by faith - Scene 07 - Do you believe?

Matthew 09 - Jesus heals by faith - Scene 07 - Do you believe?

Matthew 13 - Parable of the sower - Scene 06 - Seeing and hearing 980x706px col.jpg

Matthew 13 - Parable of the sower - Scene 06 - Seeing and hearing

Matthew 14 - Jesus walks on water - Scene 02 - It’s a ghost

Matthew 14 - Jesus walks on water - Scene 02 - It’s a ghost!

Matthew 14 - Jesus walks on water - Scene 03 - Peter's faith

Matthew 14 - Jesus walks on water - Scene 03 - Peter’s faith

Matthew 14 - Jesus walks on water - Scene 04 - Sinking

Matthew 14 - Jesus walks on water - Scene 04 - Sinking

Matthew 14 - Jesus walks on water - Scene 05 - Jesus saves

Matthew 14 - Jesus walks on water - Scene 05 - Jesus saves

Matthew 14 - Jesus walks on water - Scene 06 - Worship

Matthew 14 - Jesus walks on water - Scene 06 - Worship

Matthew 15 - Faith of a Canaanite Woman - Scene 02 - Pleading mother 980x706px col.jpg

Matthew 15 - Faith of a Canaanite Woman - Scene 02 - Pleading mother

Matthew 15 - Faith of a Canaanite Woman - Scene 04 - Dogs and scraps 980x706px col.jpg

Matthew 15 - Faith of a Canaanite Woman - Scene 04 - Dogs and scraps

Matthew 26 - The Lord’s Supper - Scene 01 - Where to celebrate Passover 980x706px col.jpg

Matthew 26 - The Lord's Supper - Scene 01 - Where to celebrate Passover?

Matthew 26 - The Lord’s Supper - Scene 03 - One will betray me 980x706px col.jpg

Matthew 26 - The Lord's Supper - Scene 03 - One will betray me

Matthew 26 - The Lord’s Supper - Scene 05 - Bread

Matthew 26 - The Lord’s Supper - Scene 05 - Bread

Matthew 26 - The Lord’s Supper - Scene 07 - Departure hymn 980x706px col.jpg

Matthew 26 - The Lord's Supper - Scene 07 - Departure hymn

Mark 04 - Jesus calms a storm - Scene 01 - Crowds on shore 980x706px col.jpg

Mark 04 - Jesus calms a storm - Scene 01 - Crowds on shore

Mark 04 - Jesus calms a storm - Scene 02 - Fierce storm 980x706px col.jpg

Mark 04 - Jesus calms a storm - Scene 02 - Fierce storm

Mark 04 - Jesus calms a storm - Scene 03 - Jesus sleeps (Dark version)

Mark 04 - Jesus calms a storm - Scene 03 - Jesus sleeps (Dark version)

Mark 04 - Jesus calms a storm - Scene 03 - Jesus sleeps (Light version)

Mark 04 - Jesus calms a storm - Scene 03 - Jesus sleeps (Light version)

Mark 04 - Jesus calms a storm - Scene 04 - Jesus rebukes storm 980x706px col.jpg

Mark 04 - Jesus calms a storm - Scene 04 - Jesus rebukes storm

Mark 04 - Jesus calms a storm - Scene 05 - Disciples terrified 980x706px col.jpg

Mark 04 - Jesus calms a storm - Scene 05 - Disciples terrified

Mark 05 - Woman healed and girl resurrected - Scene 01 - Jarius pleads 980x706px col.jpg

Mark 05 - Woman healed and girl resurrected - Scene 01 - Jarius pleads

Mark 12 - The widow’s offering - Scene 02 - 2 coins

Mark 12 - The widow’s offering - Scene 02 - 2 small coins

Mark 14 - The Lord’s Supper - Scene 06 - Bread

Mark 14 - The Lord’s Supper - Scene 06 - Bread

Mark 16 - Resurrection of Jesus - Scene 05 - Message (Shorter ending)

Mark 16 - Resurrection of Jesus - Scene 05 - Jesus’ Message

Mark 16 - Resurrection of Jesus - Scene 07 - Disbelief

Mark 16 - Resurrection of Jesus - Scene 07 - Disbelief

Luke 12 - The Parable of the Rich Fool - Scene 02 - Beware don’t be greedy 980x706px col.jpg

Luke 12 - The Parable of the Rich Fool - Scene 02 - Beware, don’t be greedy

John 02 - Jesus clears the temple - Scene 03 - Jesus drives out the sellers 980x706px col.jpg

John 02 - Jesus clears the temple - Scene 03 - Jesus drives out the sellers

John 11 - Death of Lazarus - Scene 02 - Messenger (Version 01)

John 11 - Death of Lazarus - Scene 02 - Messenger (Version 01)

John 11 - Death of Lazarus - Scene 02 - Messenger (Version 02)

John 11 - Death of Lazarus - Scene 02 - Messenger (Version 02)

John 11 - Lazarus resurrected - Scene 01 - Jesus at the tomb (Version 01)

John 11 - Lazarus resurrected - Scene 01 - Jesus at the tomb (Version 01)

John 11 - Lazarus resurrected - Scene 01 - Jesus at the tomb (Version 02)

John 11 - Lazarus resurrected - Scene 01 - Jesus at the tomb (Version 02)

John 11 - Lazarus resurrected - Scene 04 - Lazarus raised (Version 02)

John 11 - Lazarus resurrected - Scene 04 - Lazarus raised (Version 02)

John 11 - Lazarus resurrected - Scene 04 - Lazarus raised (Version 03)

John 11 - Lazarus resurrected - Scene 04 - Lazarus raised (Version 03)

John 13 - Jesus washes his disciple's feet 980x706px col

John 13 - Jesus washes his disciples feet

Acts 01 - Holy Spirit promised - Scene 01 - Kingdom talk 980x706px col.jpg

Acts 01 - Holy Spirit promised - Scene 01 - Kingdom talk

Acts 01 - The Ascension - Scene 01 - The ascension

Acts 01 - The Ascension - Scene 01 - Ascension

Acts 01 - The Ascension - Scene 02 - 2 angels

Acts 01 - The Ascension - Scene 02 - 2 angels

Acts 01 - Matthias replaces Judas - Scene 01 - Apostles return to Jerusalem (Version 01) 980x706px col.jpg

Acts 01 - Matthias replaces Judas - Scene 01 - Apostles return to Jerusalem (Version 01)

Acts 01 - Matthias replaces Judas - Scene 01 - Apostles return to Jerusalem (Version 02) 980x706px col.jpg

Acts 01 - Matthias replaces Judas - Scene 01 - Apostles return to Jerusalem (Version 02)

Acts 01 - Matthias replaces Judas - Scene 04 - Lot cast 980x706px col.jpg

Acts 01 - Matthias replaces Judas - Scene 04 - Lot cast

Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 03 - One place

Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 03 - One place

Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 05 - Languages

Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 05 - Languages

Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 07 - Ridicule

Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 07 - Ridicule

Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 08 - Speech

Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 08 - Speech

Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 09 - Conviction (Colour version)

Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 09 - Conviction (Colour version)

Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 09 - Conviction (Sunlight version)

Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 09 - Conviction (Sunlight version)

Acts 06 - A Christian team, The magnificent seven

Acts 06 - A Christian team, The magnificent seven

Acts 09 - Paul in Jerusalem - Scene 01 - Advocate

Acts 09 - Saul/Paul in Jerusalem - Scene 01 - Advocate