Here are ALL of the Bible Cartoons I have drawn with Israelites in them.
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Total Old Testament cartoons drawn: 546
Total New Testament cartoons drawn: 529
Total Bible Cartoons (OT + NT) drawn: 1075

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Israelites character sheet.jpg
Cartoon Count: 16
Exodus 12 - Exodus begins - Scene 05 - Walking out of Egypt

Exodus 12 - The Exodus begins - Scene 05 - Walking

Exodus 17 - The Amalekites defeated - Scene 01 - Attacked at Rephidim 980x706px col.jpg

Exodus 17 - The Amalekites defeated - Scene 01 - Attacked at Rephidim

Exodus 17 - The Amalekites defeated - Scene 02 - Hilltop 980x706px col.jpg

Exodus 17 - The Amalekites defeated - Scene 02 - Hilltop

Exodus 17 - The Amalekites defeated - Scene 03 - Walking to the hilltop 980x706px col.jpg

Exodus 17 - The Amalekites defeated - Scene 03 - Walking to the hilltop

Exodus 17 - The Amalekites defeated - Scene 04 - Israelites winning 980x706px col.jpg

Exodus 17 - The Amalekites defeated - Scene 04 - Israelites winning

Exodus 17 - The Amalekites defeated - Scene 05 - Amalekites winning 980x706px col.jpg

Exodus 17 - The Amalekites defeated - Scene 05 - Amalekites winning

Exodus 17 - The Amalekites defeated - Scene 06 - Friends on either side 980x706px col.jpg

Exodus 17 - The Amalekites defeated - Scene 06 - Friends on either side

Exodus 17 - The Amalekites defeated - Scene 07 - Scroll and altar 980x706px col.jpg

Exodus 17 - The Amalekites defeated - Scene 07 - Scroll and altar

Exodus 19 - Mount Sinai - Scene 06 - Trembling

Exodus 19 - Mount Sinai - Scene 06 - Trembling

Joshua 03 - Jordan crossing - Scene 02 - 12 men

Joshua 03 - Jordan crossing - Scene 02 - 12 men

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 01 - Goliath jeers

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 01 - Goliath jeers

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 01 - David sees Goliath jeering

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 01 - David sees Goliath jeering

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 03 - Goliath boasts

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 03 - Goliath boasts

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 04 - Israelites run

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 04 - Israelites run

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 05 - Eliab

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 05 - Eliab

1 Chronicles 10 - King Saul takes his life - Scene 01 - Fierce fighting

1 Chronicles 10 - King Saul takes his life - Scene 01 - Fierce fighting