Here are ALL of the Bible Cartoons I have drawn with Elijah [Prophet] in them.
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Total Old Testament cartoons drawn: 546
Total New Testament cartoons drawn: 530
Total Bible Cartoons (OT + NT) drawn: 1076

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Elijah [Prophet]

Elijah character sheet col.jpg
Cartoon Count: 23
1 Kings 17 - Elijah fed by ravens - Scene 01 - No rain

1 Kings 17 - Elijah fed by ravens - Scene 01 - No rain

1 Kings 17 - Elijah fed by ravens - Scene 02 - Kerith Ravine (Dark version)

1 Kings 17 - Elijah fed by ravens - Scene 02 - Kerith Ravine (Dark version)

1 Kings 17 - Elijah fed by ravens - Scene 02 - Kerith Ravine (Light version)

1 Kings 17 - Elijah fed by ravens - Scene 02 - Kerith Ravine (Light version)

1 Kings 17 - Widow of Zarephath - Scene 03 - Miracle food

1 Kings 17 - Widow of Zarephath - Scene 03 - Miracle food

1 Kings 17 - Widow of Zarephath - Scene 06 - Resurrected son

1 Kings 17 - Widow of Zarephath - Scene 06 - Resurrected son

1 Kings 18 - Elijah on Mount Carmel - Scene 07 - Heavenly fire

1 Kings 18 - Elijah on Mount Carmel - Scene 07 - Heavenly Fire

1 Kings 19 - Elijah flees to Horeb - Scene 01 - Jezebel’s threat 980x706px col.jpg

1 Kings 19 - Elijah flees to Horeb - Scene 01 - Jezebel's threat

1 Kings 19 - Elijah flees to Horeb - Scene 02 - Broom desperation 980x706px col.jpg

1 Kings 19 - Elijah flees to Horeb - Scene 02 - Broom desperation

1 Kings 19 - Elijah flees to Horeb - Scene 03 - Angel food 980x706px.jpg

1 Kings 19 - Elijah flees to Horeb - Scene 03 - Angel food

1 Kings 19 - Elijah flees to Horeb - Scene 04 - 40 day journey 980x706px col.jpg

1 Kings 19 - Elijah flees to Horeb - Scene 04 - 40 day journey

1 Kings 19 - Elijah flees to Horeb - Scene 05 - Into a cave 980x706px col.jpg

1 Kings 19 - Elijah flees to Horeb - Scene 05 - Into a cave

1 Kings 19 - The Lord appears to Elijah at Horeb - Scene 01 - Great wind 980x706px col.jpg

1 Kings 19 - The Lord appears to Elijah at Horeb - Scene 01 - Great wind

1 Kings 19 - The Lord appears to Elijah at Horeb - Scene 02 - Earthquake 980x706px col.jpg

1 Kings 19 - The Lord appears to Elijah at Horeb - Scene 02 - Earthquake

1 Kings 19 - The Lord appears to Elijah at Horeb - Scene 03 - Fire 980x706px col.jpg

1 Kings 19 - The Lord appears to Elijah at Horeb - Scene 03 - Fire

1 Kings 19 - The Lord appears to Elijah at Horeb - Scene 04 - Gentle whisper 980x706px col.jpg

1 Kings 19 - The Lord appears to Elijah at Horeb - Scene 04 - Gentle whisper

1 Kings 19 - The call of Elisha - Scene 01 - Elisha ploughing 980x706px col.jpg

1 Kings 19 - The call of Elisha - Scene 01 - Elisha ploughing

1 Kings 19 - The call of Elisha - Scene 02 - What have I done to you 980x706px col.jpg

1 Kings 19 - The call of Elisha - Scene 02 - What have I done to you?

1 Kings 19 - The call of Elisha - Scene 03 - Ploughman's lunch 980x706px col.jpg

1 Kings 19 - The call of Elisha - Scene 03 - Ploughman's lunch

1 Kings 21 - Naboth’s Vineyard - Scene 06 - Elijah hears God’s word 980x706px col.jpg

1 Kings 21 - Naboth's Vineyard - Scene 06 - Elijah hears God's word

1 Kings 21 - Naboth’s Vineyard - Scene 07 - Elijah confronts Ahab980x706px col.jpg

1 Kings 21 - Naboth’s Vineyard - Scene 07 - Elijah confronts Ahab

2 Kings 02 - Elijah taken into heaven - Scene 06 - Chariot of fire

2 Kings 02 - Elijah taken into heaven - Scene 06 - Chariot of fire

Luke 09 - The Transfig - Scene 03 - Jesus, Moses and Elijah

Luke 09 - The Transfiguration - Scene 03 - Jesus, Moses and Elijah

Luke 09 - The Transfig - Scene 04 - Disciples Awaken

Luke 09 - The Transfiguration - Scene 04 - Disciples awaken