Here are ALL of the Bible Cartoons I have drawn with David (son of Jesse) [King] in them.
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Total Old Testament cartoons drawn: 546
Total New Testament cartoons drawn: 529
Total Bible Cartoons (OT + NT) drawn: 1075

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David (son of Jesse) [King]

David character sheet col.jpg
Cartoon Count: 32
Ruth 04 - Genealogy from Perez to David 980x706px col.jpg

Ruth 04 - Genealogy from Perez to David

1 Samuel 16 - David serves in Saul’s court - Scene 03 - David plays  980x706px col

1 Samuel 16 - David serves in Saul’s court - Scene 03 - David plays

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 01 - David sees Goliath jeering

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 01 - David sees Goliath jeering

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 02 - Jesse sends David

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 02 - Jesse sends David

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 03 - Goliath boasts

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 03 - Goliath boasts

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 04 - Israelites run

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 04 - Israelites run

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 05 - Eliab

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 05 - Eliab

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 06 - David and the lion

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 06 - David and the lion

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 07 - David practising

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 07 - David practising

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 08 - Saul's armour

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 08 - Saul’s armour

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 09 - Slingshot

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 09 - Slingshot

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 10 - Goliath falls

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 10 - Goliath falls

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 11 - Goliath beheaded

1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - Scene 11 - Goliath beheaded

1 Samuel 18 - Saul jealous of David - Scene 04 - Hurled spear

1 Samuel 18 - Saul jealous of David - Scene 04 - Hurled spear

1 Samuel 20 - Jonathan helps David - Scene 06 - Archery signal

1 Samuel 20 - Jonathan helps David - Scene 06 - Archery signal

1 Samuel 24 - David spares Saul’s life - Scene 02 - Robe cut (Dark version)  980x706px col

1 Samuel 24 - David spares Saul’s life - Scene 02 - Robe cut (Dark version)

1 Samuel 24 - David spares Saul’s life - Scene 02 - Robe cut (Colour version) 980x706px col

1 Samuel 24 - David spares Saul’s life - Scene 02 - Robe cut (Colour version)

1 Samuel 26 - David spares Saul again - Scene 03 - David takes spear (Dark version) 980x706px col

1 Samuel 26 - David spares Saul again - Scene 03 - David takes spear (Dark version)

1 Samuel 26 - David spares Saul again - Scene 03 - David takes spear (Colour version) 980x706px col

1 Samuel 26 - David spares Saul again - Scene 03 - David takes spear (Colour version)

2 Samuel 6 - The Ark brought to Jerusalem - Scene 05 - David dances

2 Samuel 06 - The Ark brought to Jerusalem - Scene 05 - David dances

2 Samuel 16 - Shimei curses David - Scene 01 - Stone pelting 980x706px col.jpg

2 Samuel 16 - Shimei curses David - Scene 01 - Stone pelting

Psalm 18 - Scene 08 - Trembling emissaries 980x706px col.jpg

Psalm 18 - Scene 08 - Trembling emissaries

Psalm 19 - Scene 03 - The law of the Lord more precious than gold 980x706px col.jpg

Psalm 19 - Scene 03 - The law of the Lord more precious than gold

Psalm 19 - Scene 04 - May my words and heart be pleasing to you, O Lord 980x706px col.jpg

Psalm 19 - Scene 04 - May my words and heart be pleasing to you, O Lord

Psalm 21 - His fire will consume them 980x706px col.jpg

Psalm 21 - His fire will consume them

Psalm 23 - Scene 01 - Green meadows 980x706px col.jpg

Psalm 23 - Scene 01 - Green meadows

Psalm 23 - Scene 02 - Valley of death (Skulls version 01) 980x706px col.jpg

Psalm 23 - Scene 02 - Valley of death (Skulls version 01)

Psalm 23 - Scene 02 - Valley of death (Skulls version 02) 980x706px col.jpg

Psalm 23 - Scene 02 - Valley of death (Skulls version 02)

Psalm 23 - Scene 02 - Valley of death (Death shadow version) 980x706px col.jpg

Psalm 23 - Scene 02 - Valley of death (Death shadow version)

Psalm 23 - Scene 03 - In the presence of my enemies 980x706px col.jpg

Psalm 23 - Scene 03 - In the presence of my enemies

Psalm 23 - Scene 04 - My cup overflows 980x706px col.jpg

Psalm 23 - Scene 04 - My cup overflows

Psalm 23 - Scene 05 - Dwell with the Lord forever 980x706px col.jpg

Psalm 23 - Scene 05 - Dwell with the Lord forever