
Backgrounds: Exteriors - City, Town, Village, Street scene

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enesis 37 - Joseph sold into slavery - Scene 07 - Potiphur buys Joseph in Egypt - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Genesis 37 - Joseph sold into slavery - Scene 07 - Potiphur buys Joseph in Egypt

Exodus 04 - Moses returns to Egypt - Scene 03 - Leaders believe - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Exodus 04 - Moses returns to Egypt - Scene 03 - Leaders believe

Judges 14 - Samson’s marriage - Scene 01 - Samson in Timnah - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Judges 14 - Samson's marriage - Scene 01 - Samson in Timnah

Judges 14 - Samson’s marriage - Scene 08 - Ashkelon revenge - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Judges 14 - Samson's marriage - Scene 08 - Ashkelon revenge

Ruth 01 - In Moab - Scene 06 - Return to Bethlehem - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Ruth 01 - In Moab - Scene 06 - Return to Bethlehem

Ruth 04 - Ruth marries Boaz - Scene 01 - Family Redeemer - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Ruth 04 - Ruth marries Boaz - Scene 01 - Family Redeemers

Nehemiah 01 - Nehemiah's Prayer - Scene 01 - Mourning for Jerusalem - Background (without balcony) 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Nehemiah 01 - Nehemiah's Prayer - Scene 01 - Mourning for Jerusalem (without balcony)

Nehemiah 01 - Nehemiah's Prayer - Scene 02 - Confessing Israel's sins to God - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Nehemiah 01 - Nehemiah's Prayer - Scene 02 - Confessing Israel's sins to God

Nehemiah 02 - Nehemiah inspects Jerusalem's walls - Scene 02 - Down to the Hinnom valley - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Nehemiah 02 - Nehemiah inspects Jerusalem's walls - Scene 02 - Down to the Hinnom valley

Nehemiah 02 - Nehemiah inspects Jerusalem's walls - Scene 01 - Through the Valley Gate - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Nehemiah 02 - Nehemiah inspects Jerusalem's walls - Scene 01 - Through the Valley Gate

Nehemiah 02 - Nehemiah inspects Jerusalem's walls - Scene 03 - Inspection - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Nehemiah 02 - Nehemiah inspects Jerusalem's walls - Scene 03 - Inspection

Nehemiah 02 - Nehemiah inspects Jerusalem's walls - Scene 04 - Too much rubble by pool - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Nehemiah 02 - Nehemiah inspects Jerusalem's walls - Scene 04 - Too much rubble by pool

Psalm 12 - Flattering lips speak with deception - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Psalm 12 - Flattering lips speak with deception

Psalm 15 - Lord, who may dwell in your sanctuary - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Psalm 15 - Lord, who may dwell in your sanctuary?

Matthew 02 - The Nativity SET 02 - Scene 07 - Herod meeting the wise men (with balcony) - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Matthew 02 - The Nativity SET 02 - Scene 07 - Herod meeting the wise men (with balcony)

Matthew 02 - The Nativity SET 02 - Scene 07 - Herod meeting the wise men (without balcony) - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Matthew 02 - The Nativity SET 02 - Scene 07 - Herod meeting the wise men (without balcony)

Matthew 02 - The Nativity SET 02 - Scene 10 - Wise men return home (Baby version) - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Matthew 02 - The Nativity SET 02 - Scene 10 - Wise men return home (Baby version)

Matthew 02 - The Nativity SET 02 - Scene 10 - Wise men return home (Toddler version) - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Matthew 02 - The Nativity SET 02 - Scene 10 - Wise men return home (Toddler version)

Matthew 02 - The Nativity SET 02 - Scene 12 - Escape to Egypt (Baby version) - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Matthew 02 - The Nativity SET 02 - Scene 12 - Escape to Egypt (Baby version)

Matthew 02 - The Nativity SET 02 - Scene 12 - Escape to Egypt (Toddler version) - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Matthew 02 - The Nativity SET 02 - Scene 12 - Escape to Egypt (Toddler version)

Matthew 02 - The Nativity SET 01 - Scene 13 - Infants murdered - Background 980x706px col

Background of Matthew 02 - The Nativity SET 01 - Scene 13 - Infants murdered

Matthew 02 - The Nativity SET 02 - Scene 13 - Infants murdered by king Herod - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Matthew 02 - The Nativity SET 02 - Scene 13 - Infants murdered by king Herod

Matthew 09 - Jesus heals by faith - Scene 06 - 2 blind men - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Matthew 09 - Jesus heals by faith - Scene 06 - 2 blind men

Matthew 09 - Jesus heals by faith - Scene 10 - Miracle gossiped - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Matthew 09 - Jesus heals by faith - Scene 10 - Miracle gossiped

Mark 16 - Resurrection of Jesus - Scene 01 - Buying spices (Night version) - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Mark 16 - Resurrection of Jesus - Scene 01 - Buying spices (Night version)

Mark 16 - Resurrection of Jesus - Scene 01 - Buying spices (Colour version) - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Mark 16 - Resurrection of Jesus - Scene 01 - Buying spices (Colour version)

Luke 02 - Nativity SET01 - Scene 08 - Crowds astonished - Background 980x706px col

Background of Luke 02 - Nativity SET01 and SET02 - Scene 08 - Crowds astonished

Luke 18 - Parable of persistent widow - Scene 01 - Jesus tells a parable - TBackground 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Luke 18 - Parable of persistent widow - Scene 01 and 04

Luke 18 - Parable of persistent widow - Scene 02 - Judge (Version 01) - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Luke 18 - Parable of persistent widow - Scene 02 - Judge (Version 01, 02, 03, 04)

Luke 19 - Zacchaeus the tax collector - Scene 01 - Jesus enters Jericho - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Luke 19 - Zacchaeus the tax collector - Scene 01 - Jesus enters Jericho

Luke 19 - Zacchaeus the tax collector - Scene 05 - Excited - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Luke 19 - Zacchaeus the tax collector - Scene 05 - Excited (Colour and Sunlight version)

Luke 19 - Zacchaeus the tax collector - Scene 06 - Grumblers - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Luke 19 - Zacchaeus the tax collector - Scene 06 - Grumblers (Colour and Sunlight version)

John 01 - The Word of life - Scene 04 - Reject or believe - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of John 01 - The Word of life - Scene 04 - Reject or believe

John 02 - Jesus clears the temple - Scene 06 - Jesus did not entrust himself to mankind - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of John 02 - Jesus clears the temple - Scene 06 - Jesus did not entrust himself to mankind

Acts 01 - Holy Spirit promised - Scene 02 - Wait for the gift (Version 01) - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Acts 01 - Holy Spirit promised - Scene 02 - Wait for the gift (Version 01)

Acts 01 - Holy Spirit promised - Scene 02 - Wait for the gift (Version 02) - Townscape 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Acts 01 - Holy Spirit promised - Scene 02 - Wait for the gift (Version 02)

Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 01 - Inside Jerusalem - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 01 - Inside Jerusalem

Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 06 - Running - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 06 - Running

Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 07 - Ridicule - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 07 - Ridicule

Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 11 - Miracles & awe (Colour version) - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 11 - Miracles and Awe (Colour version)

Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 11 - Miracles & awe - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 11 - Miracles and Awe (Sunlight version)

Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 12 - Sharing - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 12 - Sharing

Revelation 21 - New Jerusalem - Scene 06 - City and gates  (Gold sky) - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Revelation 21 - New Jerusalem - Scene 06 - City and gates (Gold sky)

Revelation 21 - New Jerusalem - Scene 06 - City and gates  (Blue sky) - Background 980x706px col.jpg

Background of Revelation 21 - New Jerusalem - Scene 06 - City and gates (Blue sky)