Bible Cartoon: Judges 16 - Samson and Delilah - Scene 01 - Surrounded (Colour version)

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Bible Book: Judges
Bible Book Code: 0701600101
Scene no: 1 of 10

Bible Reference & Cartoon Description

Judges 16:1-2 (ANIV)
Samson and Delilah
1 One day Samson went to Gaza, where he saw a prostitute. He went in to spend the night with her. 2 The people of Gaza were told, “Samson is here!” So they surrounded the place and lay in wait for him all night at the city gate. They made no move during the night, saying, “At dawn we’ll kill him.”


The Bible tells us that this scene is set at night, at some time before midnight.

There is cool blue moonlight used in this scene, coming from high above & to the left. There is also warm yellow lamp light illuminating the background figures, and showing from two windows above those figures.

Philistine men surrounding the prostitutes house where Samson was.

This is a street scene, showing some men of Gaza (on of the chief Philistine cities) surrounding the house of the prostitute Samson visited there. I decided to include some Philistine soldiers, as well as other men of the city.

There are two versions of this scene:
01) (This page) Judges 16 – Samson and Delilah – Scene 01 – Surrounded (Colour version). In which the colour of the men’s skin, hair & clothing are distinct.

02) (Next page) Judges 16 – Samson and Delilah – Scene 01 – Surrounded (Night blue version). In this version I have made the figures more monochromatic (single coloured). This is because the moon tends to drain colour out of objects at night.

I had to think of a tasteful way to suggest that Samson was in the house of a prostitute. My solution was to hang little pink stone hearts from the woman’s awning over her front door!

Here’s the scene without the figures.
Judges 16 - Samson and Delilah - Scene 01 - Surrounded - Background 980x706px col.jpg
Background of Judges 16 – Samson and Delilah – Scene 01 – Surrounded (Colour and Night Blue versions)

Click on the colour bar below to view/buy this Background:
Background of Judges 16 – Samson and Delilah – Scene 01 – Surrounded (Colour and Night Blue versions)

Here are 2 maps showing the third part of Samson’s journeys, starting in Lehi/Ramath-lehi & going to Gaza. The Philistines of that city surrounded the house Samson was in, hoping to trap & kill him, but instead Samson miraculously tore up the city gates, posts, bar & all, and carried them to the hill overlooking Hebron. Then, some time later, Samson went to the Valley of Sorek, further north.

The top map shows the whole of Israel, viewed from above & looking along the country, from south towards the north, with perspective applied. The black box shows the extent of the more detailed map below this one.
Map of Israel – Samson 03 – Gaza to Hebron

Map_Southern_Israel_Samson_03_Hebron_to_Gaza_detail.jpg Map of Southern Israel - Samson 03 - Gaza to Hebron DETAIL
This map is a more detailed one, showing where Samson spent the “Gaza to Hebron” part of his life.

Click on the colour bar below to view/buy the upper small-scale map, NOTE – the purchased map doesn’t have the black box & diagonal lines or watermark on it:
Map of Israel – Samson 03 – Gaza to Hebron

Click on the colour bar below to view/buy the lower, large-scale map, NOTE – the purchased map doesn’t have the watermark on it:
Map of Southern Israel – Samson 03 – Gaza to Hebron DETAIL