
2 Corinthians 9 - Farmer harvesting sparingly & Revelation 01 - John on Patmos

Posted 09 Sep 2010

Wow, I’m being productive this week! I’ve drawn 2 cartoons in 2 days, & uploaded them to this website & the Flickr! website too. I’ve got my eye on my church’s next members meeting (due on 11/10/2010) & I want to be able to report that I have added new cartoons to the websites. This accountability thing is all well & good, but it adds pressure to be productive too, oh well!

The 2 new scenes are 2 Corinthians 9 – Farmer harvesting sparingly & Revelation 01 – John on Patmos, see below.

2 Corinthians 09 - Farmer harvesting sparingly 980x706px col.jpg
2 Corinthians 9 – Farmer harvesting sparingly

This cartoon “jumped off the page” at me when I read it in the Bible. I just felt I had to draw it.

Follow this link to see this Bible Cartoon on the BC Gallery page, with download & purchase options:
Bible Cartoon: 2 Corinthians 9 – Farmer harvesting sparingly

Revelation 01 - Vision of the Son of Man - Scene 01 - John on Patmos 980x706px col.jpg
Revelation 01 – Vision of the Son of Man – Scene 01 – John on Patmos

This cartoon I drew in pencil on 09/12/2009, but only yesterday did I finally get around to inking it in, colouring & uploading. It happens like that sometimes, I get an idea but don’t have time (due to prior commitments) to colour & finish the cartoon for months or even years.

Follow this link to see this Bible Cartoon on the BC Gallery page, with download & purchase options:
Bible Cartoon: Revelation 01 – Vision of the Son of Man – Scene 01 – John on Patmos

Here’s the greyscale design I did for Revelation 01 – John on Patmos, which shows the dramatic lighting I wanted to achieve in the final cartoon illustration.

Revelation 01 - Vision of the Son of Man - Scene 01 - John on Patmos - GREYSCALE.jpg
Revelation 01 – John on Patmos – greyscale

The next blog entry will be about the design of the 7 gold lampstands.


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