BC_Hub and News
This is were you will find news about the latest amendments to the website, the stuff I'm working on and links to various parts of the website.

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Benefits of using Bible Cartoons for...

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I'm currently working on more Nehemiah Bible Cartoons in the book of his name. This is a commission for a song-writer who contacted me in 2024, wondering if I could draw the scenes from the first 2 chapters of Nehemiah. He has written a witty song, some time ago, and wonders if it would make a good children’s book. A nice idea I think, and well worth my time illustrating it. I have added new map showing Nehemiah’s journey from Susa in the Persian empire to Jerusalem, and also one outlining his nocturnal route around the walls of Jerusalem. See "Maps" in the menubar above. I am adding new links on the “Search by Bible Doctrine” pages, to show more Bible Cartoons linked to the 6 main doctrine types.

New Backgrounds!
Last year (2024) I took on the mammoth task of creating and uploading hundreds of Bible Cartoon backgrounds, and created their own web pages on the BC website, complete with pull-down menubar. My aim is to provide the backgrounds separately so that customers can view and buy them, without the figures, if they want to. So far I have sold quite a few of the backgrounds, so it seems they are quite popular!
As I draw new Bible Cartoons I add the background to the collection, so it is growing all the time.

I hope to create generic figures (with transparent backgrounds, so will need to be .png files) of Jesus, various kings, prophets, wise men, disciples, angels, heroes, villains, etc. The aim will be to make these available to view and buy.

When put together, the backgrounds and figures will be available to customer, so that they can create their own scenes, which I imagine would be very useful for telling stories to children in Sunday school, or to illustrate a scene or situation of the customer’s choosing.
When you buy 50 Bible Cartoons (or Gospel Illustrations, Meta4 Pictures, etc) I will contact you by email, offering you the next 5 FREE, as a special thank you gift.
And after the next 50, you get 5 more free, and so on. This is my way of rewarding returning customers who support my work.
We already have many customers who have benefited from this scheme.

My latest Bible Cartoon

Click on the image to view it on the Gallery page, with notes & purchase options:
Nehemiah 02 - Nehemiah inspects Jerusalem's walls - Scene 04 - Too much rubble by pool 980x706px col.jpg

Title: Nehemiah 02 - Nehemiah inspects Jerusalem's walls - Scene 04 - Too much rubble by pool

Uploaded: 05 Mar 2025

Total no. of cartoons on BC website: 1075

Most popular... Old Testament cartoon

(click link to view)
Exodus 08 - The ten plagues of Egypt - Plague of frogs
Exodus 08 - The 10 plagues
of Egypt - Plague of frogs
(16897 views to date)

Most popular... New Testament cartoon

(click link to view)
Luke 01 - Births foretold - Scene 01 - Luke writing
Luke 01 - Births foretold - Scene 01 - Luke writing (13760 views to date)

Famous Bible Story SETS

When I draw a series of cartoon scenes that tell a single story, I make them available in SETS. All the story hyperlinks in Famous Bible Stories (see Bible Cartoons sub-menu) contain these sets of Bible Cartoons. There is a significant discount for buying a set of Bible Cartoons, rather than buying them individually!

Newest Famous Bible Story SETS

Famous Bible Stories - Gallery Link: Famous Bible Story: Genesis 37 - Early life of Joseph (15 Bible Cartoons in set) Famous Bible Stories - Gallery Link: Famous Bible Story: Mark 05 - Woman healed and girl resurrected (8 cartoons in set)

To view ALL Bible Cartoons (there’s a lot!)

This link presents the Bible cartoons, grouped into the 66 books of the Bible: View all Bible Cartoons by Bible Book
Alternatively, you can use the “Bible Cartoons” menu button above to look for the cartoon you need.

Top Free Stuff!...

Our FREE colouring sheets are being downloaded frequently - why not have a look?
Click on this link to see the free Colouring sheets: Colouring sheets (A4)
Click on this link to read the most recent Blog post: Bible Cartoons Maps to help show Samson’s life journeys
Posted - 04 Jul 2024

Most popular Blog post 2016: Mark 2 - Jesus heals a paralysed man (Posted 11/Feb/2011) 356 views in 2017.

Most popular Blog post 2017: Mark 2 - Jesus heals a paralysed man 366 views in 2017.

Most popular Blog post, ever: Mark 2 - Jesus heals a paralysed man 2485 views since first posting 11/Feb/2011).
Free Olympics 2012 Black & White cartoons FREE cartoons for you to download & use. Link to Freebies: Free Olympics 2012 Black & White Cartoons
Link to Bible Cartoons inspired by the Olympics 2012: Olympics 2012 Colour Cartoon Series
I am continuing the upgrade to this website, with a view to make it mobile & tablet friendly as soon as possible.

Improvements I have already made include:

* A new menubar, with coloured sub-menus, all CSS driven.
* A new page layout, taking out the various columns & making the website page contents fit the whole width of the page - tidier design!
* I have removed the sidebar, in line with the last statement. Links can be found on the footer now.
* I am in the process of removing image-based button navigation, & replacing with pure CSS modelling, which should make the website faster.
* There is a new footer below every page, with helpful links to various places on the website.
* Re-vamp the landing page, including removing the slideshow that runs there currently. It seems to be slowing down the page... & we can’t have that!
* Re-vamp the Gallery pages (where you see the Bible Cartoons) to simplify & de-clutter the design.
* I have added new logo’s to the News & Hub page - Gospel Illustrations & Meta4 Pictures - in line with my “more fun” design plan!
* I used various plug-ins on this website, but have remove them, where possible, to speed up the website.
* I have increased size of all Bible Cartoons, Gospel Illustrations & Meta4 Pictures on the Gallery pages, so they span 80% of the page width, which gives them more presence & makes them easier to see too!
* Convert image-based buttons to CSS-based ones. There’s a few pages still to do!

Improvements still to make:

* Re-vamp the shopping cart.
* Add an Order Confirmation page, so customers can more easily see what they’ve ordered & make amendments if necessary.


Click on the link below to visit my You-Tube channel. Currently there are 4 animation videos to see:

01 Story of Jonah.

02 10 stages in drawing Exodus 08 - The plague of frogs.

03 Bible Cartoons: 2 Kings - Chariots of fire.

04 Bible Cartoons: Mark 15 - Burial of Jesus.

The 2 Kings - Chariots of Fire & Mark 15 - Burial of Jesus animation video is new (uploaded April 2015)

YouTube icon
Watch on YouTube
(see Illustrations sub-menu) Click on this link to see all of the Gospel Illustrations on offer: Gospel Illustrations Index page

Communion - Bread & Wine picture in the Illustrations section is popular. Could be useful in a communion service in your church! Here’s a link to see for yourself:
Communion - Bread and Wine

Meta4 Pictures section.

I’ve drawn a number of pictures that illustrate figures of speech, concepts in modern life, church, business, etc, which are collected here, for your enjoyment. These exciting pictures are available to view & purchase in the usual way (ie via PayPal).

(see Meta4s sub-menu) Click on this link to see all of the Meta4 Pictures on offer: Meta4 Pictures Index page

Articles & Issues.

(see Information sub-menu) Click on this link to see all the articles on offer: Articles & Issues
I’ve just added a new article “Header logos” which is a page that shows all the BC headers (seen at the top of the page) in one place. Header Logos Collection

BC Encyclopaedia.

(see Information sub-menu) Click on this link to see all the articles on offer: BC Encyclopaedia

Customer Map

(see Information sub-menu) shows the global position of our customers, dating from 2010 to the present. It’s nice to see where our wonderful customers are based!

Please note: I NEVER show the name or actual address of any customer, as we are committed to the privacy of all of our customers.
Follow this link to see the: Customer Map

Customer Comments & Testimonials

(see Information sub-menu)
Follow this link to read more: Customer Comments & Testimonials.